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Beaver Falls Area Centennial Historical Salute to the Centuries, 1868-1968

 Author: Thomas L. Blount; Betty Lou Blount; Roberta Summers; John Matthews; Leonard Chiappetta  Category: Online Document  Publisher: Published by Tribune Printing Co  Pages: 199  Tags: Beaver County historyBeaver FallscentennialTribune Printing Co |

References to Greersburg (Darlington), Greersburg Academy, and many historical figures, organizations, and locations throughout northern Beaver County.

Authors: Thomas L. Blount; Betty Lou Blount; Roberta Summers; John Matthews; Leonard Chiappetta

Publisher:‎ Tribune Printing Co.; 1st edition (January 1, 1968)

A centennial history of Beaver Falls, a city in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, located 31 miles northwest of Pittsburgh, and on the Beaver River, six miles from its confluence with the Ohio River. Contents: Automobiles; Beaver Falls Area; Bridges, Business; The Call to Arms; Carnegie Free Library; Cemeteries; Churches; Clubs, Organizations; Early Settlers (White, Adams, Patterson, Reeves); Education; Fire Department; General Government; Good Old Days; The Harmony Society; The Hospital; Industry; Music and the City; Newspapers; Physicians; Police Department; Postal Service; Radio; Recreation; Salute to the Centuries; Streets; Theaters; Utilities; The World in 1868.
Illustrated with black-and-white photographs, 199 pp.
