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“Steel Mill Blues” by Mike Pickering (song)

 Author: Mike Pickering  Category: Online Document  Publisher: Barn Burner Music  Tags: Midlandmusicpromotionalsteel industryunemplymentUnited Steel Workers of America |

A “promotional record” for the United Steel Workers of America. Proceeds were donated to foodbanks for the unemployed steelworkers.

The industrial backbone of the Mon & Ohio valleys has grown weak and brittle in recent years. As the furnaces cool and the whistles fall silent, more and more workers in the primes of their productive lives find themselves uneasily idle. To 18 year old Mike Pickering of Wellsville, Ohio, the final whistle at the Crucible Steel Division at Midland, Pennsylvania, in October, held a special message. Mike’s uncle, Bob Sullivan, had been a steelworker for 18 years until the Midland MIll shut down. Suddenly, the frustration, the anger and sense of hopelessness that has been haunting the families of steelworkers throughout the Tri-State area hit home hard and Mike’s feelings came out in this moving song, “Steel Mill Blues.” (Bomarr Monk, WFMU)

Original vinyl recording found in LBHS’s industrial history collection.

Mike Pickering – Steel Mill Blues

Label: Aircraft – AC-45101
Vinyl, 7″, 45 RPM, Stereo
Country: US
Genre: RockFolk, World, & Country
Style: Country
Back cover:

Different picture sleeve with Cover Art by Tom Powers

Mike Pickering (4) - Steel Mill Blues album cover






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